Last August, we went to Family Camp and God brought into our lives a very special blessing in the cabin next door to ours...a family with four little girls almost the same ages as our kids, with more similarities to us than we have even realized so far! When we said goodbye to them after a sweet two days of wonderful bonding, we invited them to come visit us in Santa Barbara, and they said in a very genuine way that they would really try to do so. This last weekend, that became a reality!
Cory & Becky Jo, and their four daughters Cora Lee (5 1/2), Adri Ann (4 1/2), Katie Jo (3), & Anna Mae (11 mo.) arrived on Friday afternoon and we took them on a tour of Isla Vista, showed them the DP Houses, and then went on an adventure on the beach. It was so beautiful out and we had so much fun.
After a fun dinner together, we got all 7 of the kids ready for bed, and Jason read the older ones the Bible, and they all had a fun slumber party in the kids' room together while we got to have such an encouraging time fellowshipping with Cory and Becky Jo.
The next day was Samuel's birthday, and after a blueberry pancake breakfast & opening a few presents, we set off for a hike at Ellwood, and even got to enjoy seeing some of the Monarch butterflies. Samuel LOVED having the girls here and has become very good friends with them, especially Cora Lee. He said several times over the two days how she was his best friend!
Later that afternoon we enjoyed Samuel's raw blueberry "cheesecake" (thanks Lindsay!) and everyone loved it. We then ate dinner together again, got the kids ready for bed and had to say bye as they headed back home to the Palm Springs area.
We were so thankful for the blessing of that time together. All of the kids loved it so much and we are just so thankful that God has given us friends that are in such a similar place in life as us, are so like-minded and love the Lord so much.