"Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.'" - Jesus
It's interesting how comfortable we as believers can get in our lifestyle and forget that Christ asked us to go to the places where the broken, hurting, and downtrodden are living and invite them into relationship with Him.
Normally on Saturday we host Jesus Burgers in the front lawn from about 11pm until 2am (& some people stay out even later on certain nights). However, this last Saturday we decided to go to the streets instead of do the Burgers...so about 25 of us went out and realized afterward that God had gone before us.
The group I was with was able to give words of knowledge to several people, pray over a few people, and then get into two really long conversations about Jesus on Del Playa, the infamous party street that everyone walks on going from party to party on Friday and Saturday nights.
One conversation we got into was absolutely amazing, as the guy began to open up his life to us and his honest need for Jesus and people like us in his life. We talked to him for about 45 minutes and he wanted my number. I gave him my number in a Gideon Bible and handed him it. He was so thrilled to receive the Word and my number, but literally right when he was rejoicing in his Bible and the conversation with us, the police pulled him to the side because he had a beer in his back pocket and was under age. They ended up taking him away and telling us he had several warrants out for his arrest. We're praying for our new friend, but the timing of us meeting him was a sheer act of God.
Our friend Derika blogged about her night too: