Ever wonder what God acts like, talks like, or thinks like...the answer is simple = Jesus
Hebrew 1:3 says this of Jesus, "And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature..." Jesus wasn't kind of a representation of God, He was exactly like God, an imprint of God - this is why the more we get to know Jesus the more we get to know the Father.
I read this today and it reminder me that Jesus is like God and that God is like Jesus:
Jesus spent his ministry freeing people from evil and misery.
This is what God seeks to do.
Jesus wars against spiritual forces that oppress people and resist God's good purposes.
This is what God does.
Jesus loved people others rejected - even people who rejected him.
This is how God loves.
Jesus had nothing but compassion for people who were afflicted by sin, disease, and tragedy.
This is how God feels.
And Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, suffering in the place of sinful humanity, defeating sin and the devil, because he passionately loved people and wants to reconcile them to God.
This is how God saves.
By Greg Boyd,
Is God to Blame? Moving Beyond Pat Answers to the Problem of Suffering