So, we have approximately 3 weeks left before our lives drastically change... it just so happens the beginning of the school year will also be accompanied by the arrival of Jeremiah, our third child, around the same time. So, we are kind of in a holding position right now, patiently waiting (and frantically preparing) for both of these major transitions.
Jason is finalizing the new School of Ministry that will be starting the week after school starts, and making sure everything is taken care of for the Del Playa Houses. Most of our students have moved in already, some just this past week, and there are a few who will be moving in this next week or so. Be praying for them all as they settle in to a slightly crazy environment, and that they can begin bonding with one another.
In addition, we are working to figure out the format for Sundays as far as a location, what to teach on for this first quarter, who all will be teaching, etc. We are also gearing up for all the students to return, for the beginning of Jesus Burgers (our outreach ministry), and for some strategic networking this year with different campus ministries. One of the main networking endeavors will be in regards to the House of Prayer that will be beginning. A girl who is involved with one of the campus ministries and has been around IVC a little bit will be running the House of Prayer this year (the prayer shed that is behind the Del Playa Ministry House). Please be praying for Tiffany O'Hara as she works to get vision for this ministry and to set up the House of Prayer and coordinate with all the different campus ministries in this.
We have completed some of our support letters and are excited to be able to start sending some out. Please be praying for the Lord to raise up a team of people who can really get behind HIS vision for IV and partner with our family in this.