This Saturday during Jesus Burgers we dragged the recycle bin into the middle of the street right in front of the DP house - on one side of the bin there was a sign that said, "free prayer" and on the other side was a sign that offered spiritual readings and prayer for healing.
As you can imagine with hundreds of people walking up and down the street the signs grabbed people's attention and caused them to stop and begin conversations with us. The spiritual readings is just a term that people in IV can relate to more than prophecy. And sure enough, we had people approach us all night wanting to get prayer and a spiritual reading. I wish I had the time and was able to record all the stories from this night, as I know they would be such an encouragement to many! Maybe one day we will do some kind of video and post a few of these stories each week as the love of God shows up in such powerful ways over people both sober and drunk every weekend in IV.
"for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." (Matt 5:45)
One quick story: a guy approached me, definitely a little under the influence, telling me he is an atheist, but wanted prayer...I thought that was a little comical, but prayed anyway. As I began to pray for him God started showing me stuff about His family, divorce, broken friendships, stuff about music, and a few other things. After I got done praying he just looked at me and said, "That was gnarly. That was absolutely gnarly man." I was able to witness to Him, as I often do after these kind of reactions that God knows him, desires a relationship with him, and how good Jesus is!
One more: another guy approached a few of us as as he has been in and out of jail and wanted we prayed, the love of God came all over him and he began to open his heart and receive what we were saying. Afterwards I talked with the guy and was able to share my story of how I started drinking at 12, got into all sorts of problems, and how Jesus set me free to be a son of a King!
Be praying for IV, God is on the move...pray that believers would be courageous, full of love, and walk in the power of God to be able to do stuff that only God can do!