Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Annalisa & Lindsay

So, I (Holly) have been wanting to do this post all school-year long, but now I am finally getting to it!

We have two adopted "daughters" the Lord has brought to us here in Isla Vista - Annalisa & Lindsay, two UCSB students who just finished their sophomore year...

Jason first met them and some other freshmen last school year (the '07-'08 year) through their involvement in Jesus Burgers. They went to Campus Crusade (Real Life) and somehow started coming to Jesus Burgers. Then we invited them and some other freshmen over for a bbq at our house, the rest seems to be history!

But seriously, it didn't take long for us to connect with both of them (they are roommates), and pretty soon we found that we were getting to play a role of being their adopted family while they were away from their biological family. It has been such a blessing getting to know these two girls and pour into them; they are so hungry for God and to grow in Him!

We love getting to speak into their lives, and they bless us so much too with their hunger for God and the ways they serve and bless our family -- they have done a lot of free babysitting for us and they also often pick things up for our family when they do their grocery shopping! What a blessing for mom!

It has been like having two younger sisters/two older daughters around for me, and they have become some of my closest friends this last year!

Annalisa is in Turkey over the summer on a mission trip with Campus Crusade, and we are already missing her so much. Thankfully Lindsay is here all summer, taking summer school and just hanging out!

Thank You Lord for blessings like these that you bring into our lives as we serve You in IV!


Melissa B said...

love knowing more about how special these two are to you holly!

Wells said...

yeah! they are great!!!