Monday, January 17, 2011

Jesus Burgers

Jesus Burgers this Saturday night was amazing! The love of God was evident, as it is every Saturday, at 6686 Del many testimonies over the years! 2011 marks the 10 year anniversary of seeing these love hamburgers soften hearts and change lives!

On a funny note, this Saturday, Joseph Granado (the grill master and pastor of this night) was home with his wife who was not feeling Justin, one of the guys who lives at the DP House, went to start up the grill with his face kind of close to it. As he dropped a match into it in order to ignite it, the biggest fireball ever came out of the grill practically engulfing him. At the time this was not funny, but now it's hilarious...knowing Justin's personality makes this a lot funnier, but immediately he was like, "Is my beard still there?  Are my eyebrows okay?"...poor guy, he for sure lost some hair by getting a little trim in the front.

Ah, so many stories of love, humor, and the goodness of God from all my years being in IV cooking up these hamburgers.

“A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.” (Prov 18:16)

* Kyle took over for Justin after the episode, helmet and all.

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