Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Jeremiah jumped off the couch yesterday and wacked his mouth on the coffee table...Holly took him to the ER right away. Fortunately, the cuts and scratches were not that serious; however, tbd on the one tooth that might have been cracked at the root.

He went to the dentist yesterday and took x-rays, please pray that everything turns out ok...God is good!

Ah, the joys of parenting...we love these kids, even when they're told not to do something like jump off the couch onto the coffee table because they could hurt themselves...which was the same thing that happened to me at the age of 5, except my tooth came out on impact. Like father, like son I guess.

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, don't lean on your own understanding..." (Proverb 3:5-6)

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