Monday, June 7, 2010

IVC - extended family time

Yesterday was a send off service for about 1/2 of our's always such a bitter sweet time of the year as we get to send people off as a missionaries back to their home town, and some oversees.

I love the words of Jesus that He prayed to His Father hours before the cross, "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." This is such a great reminder that we are called to live lives as sent-ones, regardless if that is to Isla Vista or to Turkey where two of students are going this summer.

These pictures where taken around midnight as some of the family was still hanging out and worshiping the Lord together in our home...Holly and I are really going to miss these incredible people that the Lord has brought into our life!

Faithful men of God...these guys are amazing!

Our friend Tommy playing some of his own music...Annalisa's face is a good picture of how it sounded.

Apparently what Justin is doing while the guitar is being played makes an epic sound that only you can looks even more funny in person.

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